Wednesday 4 April 2012

Book report - Trinity

It was part of Trinity's ABeka Language Arts program to do a book report on Saved at Sea.  I asked her to write down a few sentences for each chapter of this book and then she, along with the video streaming class, did a first paragraph.  She then went ahead and wrote down everything that she had written for each paragraph, which I have included here as a rough draft.

After talking to Trinity about a deeper meaning in this book I was able to help her sum up the true meaning behind all of the details she was seeing as she read.  Along the way I was able to help her understand what plagiarism is and we addressed that and gave future consequences.  Trinity is also learning how to sum things up a bit better...though she gets excited about what is happening in the story and she wants to write everything down.  All in all, I think Trinity has done well on this project and I look forward to the next book she will be reporting on.

The final draft of Trinity's Saved at Sea book report is at the end.

Trinity Brinkman                                                                                April 2, 2012

                                              Saved at Sea -rough draft
       Saved at Sea is about a boy named Alick Ferguson and his grandfather

who live in a lighthouse.  This Christian fiction book was written by        

Mrs. O.F. Walton and it has ninety-three pages.
       Alick was born on an island with a lighthouse.  His mother died and
his father went away to sea so his grandpa took care of him.
Alick was sitting down for tea with his grandpa after a long day of

weeding the garden. Mr. Millar burst into the house to tell them that a flare

had jus been sent up into the sky. Alick, his Grandfather, and Mr. Millar

tried to row to the boat that was in danger but the wind and waves were too

high. They tried again and made it part way when they saw a boat.
         When they got to the boat a man tossed a bundle to them it was a girl.     

They went home and they put the girl on a bed.

My favorite part was when Timpey(the little girl)  and Alick had a fun day

together.  Timpey and Alick woke up and Mrs. Millar dressed Timpey.  After

that they had breakfast Alick wanted to feed Timpey  but Timpey said, the

lost ship “Timpey have ‘poon please.” After breakfast Timpey picked up

Grandpa’s hat and Alick’s scarf and marched over to the door. Mrs. Millar

said, “ Alick can you play with Timpey for a while.”  So Alick went outside

and played with Timpey.  Alick was reading a picture - book to Timpey

when Mrs. Millar wondered, “what are we going to do to the girl?”  “Do to

the girl?”  “Lets keep her,” said Alick’s grandpa. “Yes,” said Timpey but

Mrs. Millar said, “let’s look up some of her relatives.”  Alick’s grandpa

wrote a letter to the captain of the ship that sank. The next Monday when the

steamboat came in they got the returned letter.  It said that no on by the

name Villiers had got aboard that ship.  It also said that they would pay a lot

of money if they took care of Timpey.

         Alick and his grandpa took Timpey to the train station and picked up

two people.  Mr. Septimus Forster one of the owners of the lost ship.

He said, that his father-in-law and him had come to listen and ask questions

about the lost ship. Alick’s grand pa begged them to sit down and asked

Alick to get breakfast for them. Mr. Davis and Alick’s grandpa talked about

if he believed in Christ.  Alick’s grandpa said that he believed that he would

go to heaven because he had not heart anyone.  Mr. Davis said that he was

not saved.  After that they had to go. Mr. Davis wrote something on a piece

of paper and gave it to the driver to give to Alike.

         Alick’s grandpa gets saved.  Alick was not at the lighthouse on time

so Mrs. Millar was getting really worried. 

         Alick’s grandpa and Mrs. Millar are so worried and Mrs. Millar gets a

cold. Finally they hear oars and know that he is back.

         Alick  and his grandpa find out they will be getting a new neighbor. 

Mrs. Millar might have brain fever.  The servant and the children were

dressed in mourning clothes and put in the steamer, ready to go to their

grandparent’s house.

         The new neighbor came on the steamer Monday morning. It turned

out to be Alick’s father who hadn’t bean home in eleven years.

         Mr. Davis came in the steamer for a little visit.  He had a letter from

Timpey’s parents saying they were coming the next Monday.  After that they

talked about salvation.

         When Timpey’s parents came they asked if Alick would like to stay

with them to go to school for four years. After thinking about it for a few

days Alick’s grandpa finally said, “Yes.”

Trinity Brinkman                                                  April 4, 2012.
Saved at Sea
        Saved at Sea is about a boy named Alick Ferguson and his grandfather
who live in a lighthouse.  This Christian fiction book was written by        
Mrs. O.F. Walton and it has ninety-three pages.
         This Story is about how God puts his hands on some people to make them safe and give them His salvation.  God gives Alick a grandfather to take care of him when his mother dies.God gives them Timpey to take care of and play with when the ship sinks. God sends two men to find out where Timpey's parents are. One of those men, Mr. Davis, shows Alick's grandfather that he is not saved.After Mrs. Millar dies Alick's father comes home in perfect time. After Timpey's parents came to get her they asked Alick to stay with them to go to school. God had a plan to put all of these things into all of their lives.  Even the really really bad things turned out good because God wanted them to.

         My favorite part was when Timpey and Alick had a fun day
together.  Timpey and Alick woke up and Mrs. Millar dressed Timpey.  After that they had breakfast and Timpey wanted to feed herself.  Timpey picked up Grandpa's hat and Alick's scarf and she showed them that she wanted to go outside.  Alick went with her and played.  It made me warm inside to read about Alick's kindness.

Here is another book report that Trinity did in her third term:


Mandie and the Secret Tunnel


 Book report by Trinity Brinkman (rough draft) 

“Mandie and the Secret Tunnel” was written by Gladys Leppard and it


has one hundred and five pages.  It is about Mandie leaving the people who


really don’t love her and finding the people who love her.  Sandwiched in


between are a whole bunch of adventures.

         In the beginning of the book the people of the town had a funeral for

Amanda’s father.  Her father was the only one that truly loved her. She sow

Uncle Ned an Indian friend of her fathers close by the funeral.  Amanda ran

over to him for comfort.

         Amanda is going to live with the Bryson's.  They were mean to her so

she escaped with Uncle Ned. They began walking to Franklin to see

Amanda’s uncle.

         When they got to his house they found that Amanda’s uncle was dead. 

Polly, Amanda’s new friend stays over for a few nights with Amanda.

Amanda and Polly find a secret tunnel but when they tried to show someone

the door it led to the attic.  When Amanda put down the key to the

secret tunnel  it seemed like it disappeared.

         Bayne Lock came to the door of the mansion and said he was the

nephew of John Shaw, Amanda’s unlce.  When everybody was sound asleep

         Mr. Bond went looking for the missing will. Amanda heard him and

thought he was a ghost. She woke up Polly and went investigating so they

found out that it was Mr. Bond.  They started looking for the will too.

         Another person knocked on the door it was a fat woman and her

daughter she said that she was a relative of John Shaw and that she had come

to claim her part of the house.  Amanda and Polly found the key. Something

strange is happening to Mr. Bond.  When the girls and him went to the attic

one minute he was there the next he was gone but he said he crept down the


         Joe, Amanda’s friend, and his father Dr.Woodward came over to

visit.Joe is aloud to stay for a week.

         Mr. Bond and Uncle Ned ate both trying to find out if Mr. Locke and

Mrs. Snow and her daughter are related to Jim Shaw.

         Amanda’s uncle is alive. The messenger saying that he was

dead was all a trick. Amanda’s uncle wants Mr. Locke and the Snows

out of his house.

Amanda is expecting visitors and when they get there Amanda is told

that the visitor was her real mother.

          Amanda’s mother and her uncle get married.  Joe asks Amanda to

marry him when he is older.


April 17, 2012.

Mandie and the Secret Tunnel

Book Report By Trinity Brinkman

          Mandie and the Secret Tunnel was written by Gladys Leppard and it has one hundred five pages.  It is about a girl named Amanda (Mandie) leaving the people who really don’t love her and finding the people that do.  Sandwiched in between are a whole bunch of adventures.

         In the beginning of the book there was a funeral for Amanda’s father.  He was the only one in her family that truly loved her.  Her father had an Indian friend, Uncle Ned, who comforted her and promised to watch out for her.

         Amanda went to live with the Bryson’s who were mean to her.  Uncle Ned helped her escape and led her to Franklin to find her Uncle John.  When they got there they found that he was dead.

Amanda stayed there and found a secret tunnel in the house, with a friend named Polly.  She is visited by her best friend Joe who helps to look for Uncle John’s will. 

Three people came to the house to try to get a part of Uncle John’s money but they found out in the end that Uncle John was not dead.  She was surprised to hear that her real mother was coming to visit.  This was my favorite part because she found a mother who actually loved her.

In the end Uncle John marries Her real mother and Joe asks Amanda to marry her when she is older and she says she will.  Amanda showed love to God by obeying her fake mother even though she was really mean to her.  She showed what we should do when troubles appear. 



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