Wednesday 5 December 2012

Cricket in Times Square Novel Study

During their weekly study of "A Cricket in Times Square," Trinity and Kyler will be joined by a friend in grade 4.  For their first activity, they looked on Google maps for a street view of Times Square in New York.  They also looked at Chinatown in New York and discussed how it is a little piece of home Chinese people made in New York after immigrating there.

 We all took turns reading, stopping on each page to discuss the imagery the author used. 

Given that one of the main characters was Italian, we looked at the globe and discussed routes that  Italian immigrants would have taken to get to New York.  We also discussed why the coastal towns were settled first and are, therefore, older.

After we finished the chapter we did a vocabulary sheet, a descriptive writing sheet and an adverb sheet.  The author of the study guide did not intend the adverb sheet to include state of being verbs and their adverbs, but we discussed them anyway.  Since Kyler has not been introduced to them yet I did not ask him to mark them on his sheet.

Here is what Trinity wrote for chapter 1:

Chapters 3-4



Chapters 5-6

The Cricket in Times Square Chapters 5 & 6

Write down the definition of each underlined word as it is used in the sentences below.

1.     Every Saturday during the winter, when the opera was broadcast, they would sit clustered around the radio in the newsstand, straining to hear the music above the din of the subway station.
A din is a loud noise that’s not a nice noise. 

2.     “Perhaps some day your cricket will play as well.  I prophesy great things for a creature of such ability, Mario.”
To prophesy is to tell about the future.

3.     He was staring at an old lady wearing a straw hat, wondering if the flowers on it were real, and if they were what they would taste like, when the train lurched to a halt.
Lurching is to suddenly stop.

4.     Like most people who first ride the subway, Chester wasn’t used to abrupt stops.
Abrupt means sudden and unexpected.

5.     Chester craned his head out as far as he could to get his first look at New York by day.
“Craned his neck” means to stretch his neck out as far as possible.

6.     The man smoothly twisted his head, as if it were on a pivot, and looked at Mario.
A pivot is a point on witch something turns.

7.     Everything from silk kimonos to chop sticks to packages of hand laundry littered the shelves and chairs.
A kimono is a Chinese dress.  

8.     And there was a faint, sweet smell of incense in the air.

Incense is a stick that you burn and it smells.

9.     He was carrying a cricket cage in the shape of a pagoda.

A pogada is a temple.

10. There were seven tiers to it, each one a little smaller than the one below, and it ended in slender spire.

Tiers are levels of the roof.

A spire is the top point.



Using standard spelling and grammar, rewrite the sentences below that were spoken by Sai Fong.

Example:  “You know stoly of first clicket?”
                  “Do you know the story of the first cricket?”

1.”This velly ancient clicket cage.  Once clicket who belonged to Empelor of all China lived in this cage.”

2.     “’You velly good man.  Live long as cedar tlee on mountain side.’”

3.     “For to them beautiful song of clicket is song of one who still speaks tluth and knows all things.”

4.     “Because this clicket so lemarkable,”  said Sai Fong, “I sell cage for fifteen cents.”


1.     What was Chester’s diet before he came to New York?  What new things to eat has he tried since coming to New York?”   
Chester’s diet before he came to New York were leaves, grass, and bark. The new things he tried were  brussel sprouts,  chocolate, sugar, toast crust, and soda.   

2.     What talent does Mr. Smedley discover that Chester has?
Mr. Smedley discovered that Chester could do a middle c.   

3.     Why does Mario go to Sai Fong’s Chinese Novelties shop?”
Mario went to the shop because he wants a cricket cage.


Thinking About the Story:

4.  Discuss Foreshadowing questions with group.

5.      In these two chapters, how do each of the following characters show kindness to Chester and Mario?

a.    Mickey, the man at the lunch counter:
Mickey gave free sodas to Mario and Chester.
-Mr. Smedley, the music teacher, said nice things about Chester.

-Sai Fong gave the cricket cage for 15 cents.. 

Dig Deeper

6.     Read Timothy 4:7.  What do these verses tell us about believing in things that bring you good luck? The Bible says not to believe in worldly fables like good luck.

The Cricket in Times Square Chapters 5 & 6

Write down the definition of each underlined word as it is used in the sentences below.

1.     Every Saturday during the winter, when the opera was broadcast, they would sit clustered around the radio in the newsstand, straining to hear the music above the din of the subway station.

                  A din means a loud annoying noise.

2. “Perhaps some day your cricket will play as well.  I prophesy
 great things for a creature of such ability, Mario.”

         Prophesy means that something will happen in the future.

3. He was staring at an old woman wearing a straw hat, wondering if the flowers on it were real, and if they were what they would taste like, when the train lurched to a halt.

         To lurch means to rock forward and back a bit.

4.Like most people who first ride the subway, Chester wasn’t used to abrupt stops.

         Abrupt means all of a sudden.


5. Chester craned his head out as far as he could to get his first look at New York by day.

    Craned means to stretch with effort or to tower over something.

6. The man smoothly twisted his head, as if it were on a pivot, and looked at Mario.

         A Pivot is a point which something turns.

7. Everything from silk kimonos to chop sticks to packages of hand laundry littered the shelves and chairs.

         A kimono is a dress that Chinese women wear.

8.And there was a faint, sweet smell of incense in the air.

         Incense is a stick that you put on fire and the smoke smells.

9.He was carrying a cricket cage in the shape of a pagoda

A pagoda is a kind of temple.

10. There were seven tiers to it, each one a little smaller than the one below, and it ended in slender spire.

    Tier is a kind of like point.

    A spire is a point at a top of a roof.


Using standard spelling and grammar, rewrite the sentences below that were spoken by Sai Fong.

Example:  “You know story of first clicket?”
                  “You know the story of the first cricket?”

1.”This is a very ancient cricket cage.  Once the cricket, which belonged to Emperor of all China lived in this cage.”

2.     “You are a very good man.  You will live long as cedar tree on mountain side.”

3.     “For to them beautiful song of cricket is song of one who still speaks truth and knows all things.”

4.     “Because this cricket so remarkable,” said Sai Fong, “I sell cage for fifteen cents.”


1.     What was Chester’s diet before he came to New York?  What new things to eat has he tried since coming to New York?”
The new things Chester tried were, sugar, chocolate, brussel sprout, soda, and bread.

2.     What talent does Mr. Smedley discover that Chester has?

Mr. Smedley discovered that Chester could sing a perfect C note.

Why does Mario go to Sai Fong’s Chinese Novelties shop?”

Mario went to Sai Fong's Chinese Novelties shop for a cricket cage.

Thinking About the Story:

4.  Discuss Foreshadowing questions with group.


5.      In these two chapters, how do each of the following characters show kindness to Chester and Mario?

a.    Mickey, the man at the lunch counter: Mickey gave Chester and Mario a free soda and said that they could come back there any time to get free waters.

-Mr. Smedley, the music teacher: kind words

-Sai Fong: Fortune cookie, story, and a discount

Dig Deeper

6.     Read Timothy 4:7.  What do these verses tell us about believing in things that bring you good luck?

Good luck has nothing to do with what happens in the world.

7.     In the story Sai Fong told Mario, why was Hsi Shuai a much-honored man?
In Sai Fong's story, Hsi Shuai was a much-honored man because he spoke only the truth.

8.     Do you think it’s important to always speak the truth?  Why or why not?  Read Zechariah 8:16,17 and Ephesians 4:25.  What do these verses say about speaking the truth?

It is important to try always to speak the truth because people will trust you and your friends and family will be more important to you.

Kyler Chapter 9 (Kyler missed chapters 7-8 with sickness)

  1.  Why does Mario go back to see Sai Fong?  What does Sai Fong give Mario to solve his problem? Mario goes to see Sai Fong because  he wants to know what crickets eat.  Sai Fong gives Mario some leaves from a tree in his back yard.

  1. After the Chinese dinner, what does Chester do that makes the old Chinese gentleman so happy? Chester makes the old Chinese man happy by chirping and bowing.
  1. Do you think it’s important to save money?  Why or why not?
Yes, I think it is important to save money so that I have enough money to buy gifts for people.  

  1. Read Matthew 6:19-21,24-33.  In these verses, what does Jesus teach about how we should view money and possessions?  Why should we have this attitude?
We should think about God and not be greedy.
  1. Although it takes a little prompting from Harry, what does Tucker eventually do with the largest portion of his money?  Do you think this was the right think to do?  Why or why not?

  1. Read Mark 12:41-44.  The woman in this passage only gave a small amount of money to the temple treasury.  Why did Jesus say that the woman in this passage gave more than all the others? He said she gave more because she trusted in the Lord and she gave all she had.

  1. What do you think Jesus was trying to teach his disciples in this passage?
He was trying to teach them that they should not be greedy and don’t keep money away from others.

17.  Even if you only have a little money, there are still many ways you can use it to help others.  Below, list some ideas for using your money to help others.
-give them clothes
-give them food
-give them money so they can live somewhere


 Cricket 7-9(for the vocabulary I told Trinity she could copy and paste the dictionary definitions)

1.    They make soup out of bird’s nests and stew out of sharks’ fins.  The make a soufflé out of a mouse.”

Your definition: a soufflé is a omelet or some thing made with egg

Dictionary definition: a baked or chilled dish that has been made light by adding whisked egg whites. Hot soufflés are usually based on a thick milk sauce and are baked, while cold soufflés are made with gelatin and set by chilling.

2.    He sat down, still forlornly holding the bill.  “Oh dear—and things were going along so nicely.”

Your definition: Sad or lonely

Dictionary definition: lonely and miserable, as though deserted or abandoned

3.    Mama Bellini stretched out her hand and pointed sternly at Chester.  There he was, with evidence beside him.

Your definition: mad

Dictionary definition: mad or angry

4.    Mama denounced Chester as a money eater and said further that she suspected him of inviting mice and other unsavory characters into the newsstand at night.

Your definition: angry, fierce, or grim

Dictionary definition: grim, austere, or forbidding in appearance

5.    That night, after Papa had shut up the newsstand, Chester was hanging through the gilded bars of his cage.
Dictionary definition: The term gilding covers a number of decorative techniques for applying fine gold leaf or powder to solid surfaces such as wood, stone, or metal to give a thin coating of gold

1.    “Couldn’t you get out on bail for the time being?”  asked Tucker.

Your definition: escape

Dictionary definition: a sum of money deposited to secure an accused person's temporary release from custody and to guarantee that person's appearance in court at a later forfeited date. If the person fails to appear in court on the date set, the money is.

2.    “Now stop acting like a skinflint and let’s get the money.”

Your definition: scared

Dictionary definition: A miser, cheapskate, snipe-snout, penny pincher, piker, scrooge, skinflint, money grubber, tightarse or tightwad is a person who is reluctant to spend money, sometimes to the point of forgoing even basic comforts and some necessities. Old people were commonly portrayed as being miserly but this stereotype is less common since support programs such as social security have resulted in less poverty in old age.

3.    “Listen to the cricket,” he said. “Acting noble and making me look like a bum.”

Your definition: trust worthy and doing what is right

Dictionary definition: possessing high ideals or excellent moral character

4.    “Whenever mice are spoken of, never let it be said that Tucker Mouse was stingy with worldly goods.”

Your definition: holding on to some thing really hard

Dictionary definition: not generous in giving or spending money

1.    Why does Tucker want to sleep in Chester’s cricket cage?  What does Tucker use for sheets and a pillow?

Tucker wanted to sleep in the cricket cage because it made him feel like a king. Tucker uses a earring for a pillow and a old dollar bill for a blanket and a new one for a mattress.

1.    What does Chester dream about in Chapter 8?  What does he discover has happened when he wakes up? Chester was dreaming about that he was back in Connecticut.  He dreamed he was eating a leaf, but it tasted as if it were dry and papery.  All of a sudden there was a storm that was strong but Chester held onto the leaf. When Chester woke up  he realized that the leaf was a two-dollar bill and the storm was a breeze that had managed to get into the newsstand.

      3.   What will Mario have to do to make up for the two-dollar bill that Chester ate?
To make up for the two-dollar bill that Chester ate Mario was going to work in the grocery store.

4.     Why does Mario go back to see Sai Fong?  What does Sai Fong give Mario to solve his problem? Mario went back to see Sai Fong because he thought that because Chester ate the two-dollar bill he was eating the wrong type of food.

5.    After the Chinese dinner, what does Chester do that makes the old Chinese gentleman so happy? Chester makes the old Chinese gentleman so happy by singing in what he thought was a most charming manner.

Think About the Story:
6.    Tucker says, “I’m sleeping on money inside a palace,…It’s a dream come true!”  What does this tell you about Tucker’s character?
This tells us that Tucker is really concerned about money.

7.    Why is it such a serious problem that Chester ate a two-dollar bill?
It is such a serious problem that Chester ate a two-dollar bill because the Bellinis made that much in two or three days.

Tucker suggests a number of things Chester could do to solve the problem of the half-eaten two-dollar bill.  List five of his suggestions 
4.    below: Tucker suggested that he should maybe scotch tape the edges and pass it on as a one-dollar bill. Tucker volunteered to steal two-dollars from the lunch-counter cash register. Tucker volunteered to hide him for a few days, and Tucker volunteered to steal a dollar or two from another man.

5.    What is your opinion of Tucker’s suggestions?  Explain you answer.
I think that Tucker's suggestions were either silly or illegal.                                          

6.    Chester insists that he take full responsibility for eating the two-dollar bill.  Do you agree?  Why or why not?  What does this tell you about Chester?
I think that it was the right thing to do to take full responsibility.

Dig Deeper

7.    Where did Tucker got his money?  Why did Tucker think it was important to save money?

Tucker got his money from people dropping an occasional half dollar, a dime, or penny. Tucker thought it was important to save money because he did not want to die poor.

8.    Do you think it’s important to save money?  Why or why not?
Yes, I think it is important to save money because it can be used later on for important things like cars or houses.

9.    Red Matthew 6:19-21,24-33.  In these verses, what does Jesus teach
about how we should view money and possessions?  Why should we have this attitude?
These verses say that we should not value money more than anything and that when we believe in God we are richer than the richest man.

10.   Although it takes a little prompting from Harry, what does Tucker eventually do with the largest portion of his money?  Do you think this was the right think to do?  Why or why not?  I think this was loyal and the right thing to do.
4.    Read Mark 12:41-44.  The woman in this passage only gave a small amount of money to the temple treasury.  Why did Jesus say that the woman in this passage gave more than all the others?
I think that Jesus said that the woman in this passage gave more than all the others because she gave all she had and had nothing left.

5.    What do you think Jesus was trying to teach his disciples in this passage? I think that Jesus was trying to teach the disciples that money is not important and that we should not cling to it.

6.    Even if you only have a little money, there are still many ways you can use it to help others.  Below, list some ideas for using your money to help others.

·      you could put your money into the church by tithing
·      you could put your money into salvation army by putting your money into the tin boxes that say salvation army
·      you could put your money into food for other people by buying food and putting it into food banks


Cricket Chapters 10-11

Vocabulary done as a group, verbally.

Fact and Opinion

1.    New York is a large, busy city :fact
2.    The chirping of a cricket is a beautiful sound:opinion
3.    The Bellini’s newsstand is not a very successful business: opinion
4.    Mr. Smedley buys a copy of Musical America every Sunday:fact
5.    Chester’s cricket cage is very luxurious: opinion
6.    Tucker is a stingy mouse: opinion


1.    How many months have passed since Chester came to New York?  What do Chester, Tucker, and Harry do to celebrate this anniversary?

Chester has been in New York for two months.   Chester, Tucker, and Harry have a party to celebrate Chester’s anniversary.
2.    How did Tucker get ice for their drinks? Tucker got some ice that was dropped off of a drink counter.

3.    What accident happens when Tucker is dancing to Chester’s music?
Tucker fell onto a match box. The matches dragged on the wall making them light.  Some of them just fell on the floor, but one fell on a pile of newspapers and started a fire.

4.    How does Chester call for help?
Chester bangs into an alarm clock causing a big sound.

5.    Why does Paul, the conductor, skip a few shuttle trips to stay by the newsstand? Paul stays by the newsstand just in case some thieves try to steal the money.

6.    Why does Mama Bellini decide that Chester must go?
 Mama Bellini decides that Chester must go because she thinks he will be dangerous because he started a fire.

7.    What happens that makes Mama Bellini change her mind?
Chester sings a song that reminds her of when Papa Bellini played his guitar her window.



Thinking About the Story

8.    Look at the very last sentence of Chapter 11.  What do you think the author is foreshadowing with this sentence?  The author is foreshadowing that good luck is going to come for Chester.

Dig Deeper

9.    When again something terrible happens, Chester accepts responsibility for his part in the accident.  Why did Chester think he was responsible?
Chester thought he was responsible because he invited friends and it was he sang to make Tucker dance.  That caused Tucker to hit the matches and start a fire.

10. Do you think he should have taken responsibility for the accident?  Why or why not?
Yes, he should have taken responsibility because he invited his friends over, and it was he who sang to make Tucker dance and fall into the matchbox.
14. Can you think of someone you need to forgive?  Perhaps, like Chester, you need to take responsibility for actions that may have harmed someone.  Or is there someone from whom you need to ask forgiveness?  Make a list of any situation that comes to mind.  Make an effort to forgive or seek forgiveness for these situations.

 There is no need to write this down, unless you want to make a list so you don’t forget to ask for forgiveness.  Just close your eyes and think about it.  Pray that the Lord will show you if there is anyone you need to forgive or ask forgiveness from.  Ask Him for help to forgive that person or have courage to approach someone you need to ask forgiveness from.


 Cricket Chapters 10-11

Vocabulary done as a group, verbally.

Fact and Opinion

1.    New York is a large, busy city :  Fact
2.    The chirping of a cricket is a beautiful sound: Opinion
3.    The Bellini’s newsstand is not a very successful business : This is tricky because it can be a Fact or Opinion
  1. Mr. Smedley buys a copy of Musical America every Sunday:  Fact
  2. Chester’s cricket cage is very luxurious:  Opinion
  1. Tucker is a stingy mouse: Opinion


1.     How many months have passed since Chester came to New York?  What do Chester, Tucker, and Harry do to celebrate this anniversary? Two months have passed since Chester came to New York and Chester, Tucker, and Harry have a party to celebrate it.

  1. How did Tucker get ice for their drinks? Tucker got the ice for there drinks from the person that pours the pops. When the person dropped some of the ice after he fills a cup full of pop, Tucker would scurry out of a hiding place and snatch it up.

  1. What accident happens when Tucker is dancing to Chester’s music? When Tucker is dancing to Chester’s music he bumps into the match box that sets the newsstand on fire. The fire was blazing away and burnt up two stacks of magazines.

  1. How does Chester call for help? Chester called for help by from jumping from the tissue box to the alarm clock right on the button that makes the alarm clock set off. With a loud ring Chester's fire alarm went off.

  1. Why does Paul, the conductor, skip a few shuttle trips to stay by the newsstand? Paul skips a few shuttle trips to stay by the newsstand because he did not want any one to steal money from the cash register.

  1. Why does Mama Bellini decide that Chester must go? Mama Bellini decided that Chester must go because, she thinks that Chester is inviting
his friends over to the newsstand to destroy everything.

  1. What happens that makes Mama Bellini change her mind? Mama Bellini changed her mind because Chester sang or hummed the words to a song that papa Bellini used to play on a guitar under her window on full moons.



Thinking About the Story

  1. Look at the very last sentence of Chapter 11.  What do you think the author is foreshadowing with this sentence? The author is foreshadowing that Chester will be singing for people and that the people will like his singing.

Dig Deeper

9.     When again something terrible happens, Chester accepts responsibility for his part in the accident.  Why did Chester think he was responsible?

Chester thinks that he was responsible because he held the party, part of the newsstand was his, and it was his singing that made Tucker want to dance.

We did the following together in a Bible study:

  1. Read Numbers 5:5-7.  According to these verses, what is required of someone who commits a wrong against another person? Someone who commits a wrong against another person needs to ask to be forgiven and that person needs to make up for the thing he or she did.

  1. Think of a time when someone committed a wrong against you.  What did that person do?  What did you do in response?  What do you think would have been the best thing for you to do?

  1. Read Matthew 18:21-35 and Mark 11:25.  What do these verses say we should do if someone has sinned against us?  Why should we do this? These verses say that we should forgive anyone that sinned against us because God also forgave us of what we did wrong.

14. Can you think of someone you need to forgive?  Perhaps, like Chester, you need to take responsibility for actions that may have harmed someone.  Or is there someone from whom you need to ask forgiveness?  Make a list of any situation that comes to mind.  Make an effort to forgive or seek forgiveness for these situations.

 There is no need to write this down, unless you want to make a list so you don’t forget to ask for forgiveness.  Just close your eyes and think about it.  Pray that the Lord will show you if there is anyone you need to forgive or ask forgiveness from.  Ask Him for help to forgive that person or have courage to approach someone you need to ask forgiveness from.





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