Thursday 29 November 2012

Structures Term 2

Kyler, Trinity, Memere and I went on a field trip to learn more about structures.  On our way to see the Golden Ears Bridge we saw this building going up.

Kyler took these pictures and this is what he has to say about them:

This building is made from very strong concrete and steel.  Those steel poles are keeping the wall from falling down while the builders are building.

The steel wires are called rebar.  They are there to keep the building nice and strong.

At the center of the building the builders have made the elevator shaft.  It is made of concrete too.  The elevator shaft is for helping the elevator not break up the building because the elevator is very heavy.

There will be drywall and wood on the inside of building walls.  This will make it stronger and warmer.  This is a picture of  what it will look like when it is finished.

This building caved in because the wood rotted and nobody took care of it. 

This bridge is on 200th Street in Langley.  It is there so people can cross the street without waiting or making the cars stop.  This bridge is arch shaped.  The arch is very strong and it's holding up the bridge with very strong steel cables.  The cables are made from thousands of strings of wire that are curled around each other to make them stronger.

This is a picture of a steel cable.

 This building has very strong steel in between the glass.  It's stays up because of the steel in the middle of lots of pieces of glass.  If it was one piece glass it would shatter.

This Colossus theater has roundish sides called a dome.   There is sound and video all around you.  The shape makes you feel like you are part of the movie.

The Golden Ears Bridge is made with humungous concrete pillars that are holding very strong cables.  The cables help the bridge to stay up.  The pillars are deep under the ground.  I think that's like a tree's roots under ground.  If the pillars were sitting on top of the ground they would crash down in the wind.

The last thing we saw was the bird's nest in this tree.  You can see it right, kind of at the top of this giant tree.  The nest is shaped kind of like an upside down cone.  It's in a lot of layers so that the little chicks would be warm.  The layers make the nest strong.  The tree branches hold it up.

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