Wednesday 26 September 2012


This week Kyler has been studying the parts of the flower.  He collected flowers outside and identified their parts.  He pressed them and will make bookmarks from them when they are dry.  Here is a drawing he did and labeled.

Trinity has been studying the circulatory system this week.  She made  a poster to encourage people to make their hearts stronger with exercise.

Below is a rough draft of the project Trinity is doing for Science.  She has also written a bibliography for this project which is in the Language Arts section of the blog.

Rough Draft

Esophagus                                                                           6604 Digestive Ave.
                                                                                                Trinity's Body, BC
                                                                                                V2R 2C5

Dear Human Body Corporation,

         I am writing to ask you not to fire me because I have many uses in Trinity's body. If I wern't here Trinity's body would have serious problems getting the food into the stomach. God created me in Trinity's mother's womb.  Psalm 139:13  For you created my inmost being;  you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

       I am the Esophagus, and I am under the pharynx.

I work with the mouth and throat to get food to the stomach.  After Trinity chews and swallows the food go down the throat.  There is a little flap guy called Mr.Epiglottis that stops the food from going down the windpipe.

My peristalsis helps food to go down along me.  Even if Trinity is upside down my muscles squeeze it down to her stomach.   My cardiac sphincter stops acid from going out of the stomach and burning me.

       If i weren't in  the body the food would not get into the stomach, the body would not get fuel, and Trinity would starve and die.

God created us to look like Him.  His purpose for the whole body is to do His will.  He made the human body so it could please Him.  God made all the human body to send messages, receive messages and do what the brain tells them to do. God made our wonderful parts in wonderful ways and the only sad part about that is that we don't stop to see that. God is a wonderful God!

Way to go Trinity!

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