Thursday 5 January 2012

Native Studies

Trinity has been working through, From Time Immemorial, as a study in the First Nations people of the Pacific Northwest Coast. 

From Time Immemorial – The First People of the Pacific Northwest Coast

Chapter 1 – Living together –villages and families

1.     Discuss what is meant by a class society.  Do you live in a society divided into classes?  How does their class in society influence the lives of people?

A class society is higher, lower, and middle classes. The lower class is poor; the middle is a working level but still gets privileges. When you are lower you don’t get privileges at all.  The higher class is rich.

2.     Why do you think parents arranged marriages in the First Nations’ culture?  What value might there be in arranged marriages?  What problems might there be?

 I think the value in arranged marriages is money. The parents of two young people always wanted them to marry someone that was higher in class than them or the same class.  If they married in a lower class then you would lose some of your privileges. For example; say you married a slave you would become a slave to and you would lose all your privileges.  If you married a person that was higher than you, you would become rich too. (:

3.     Grandparents, uncles and aunts helped “parent” children.  Do you think this is a good way to raise children?  How would this way of living benefit the children?

What I think is that we would be more safe if we had all those people around us and we would get to do more things if we new to ask the right person but if every one was doing work it would be pretty boring unless we had breaks to play or some thing. (:

Chapter 2 – Living in Balance with the Sea – Fishing

First Nations people have always relied on fish as a major source of food.  Do you think their right to fish should be protected into the future?

If the First Peoples are allowed to use nets and traps today we would not have enough fish for everyone else.

Choose one method of catching fish used by people of the Pacific Northwest.  Draw a detailed picture to illustrate this method.  You may wish to read more about traditional First Nations fishing technology.

Fence weir


Chapter 3 – Living in Balance with the Land – Hunting and Gathering

 1.     Choose one food that is gathered in your local area.  Illustrate it, explain how it is gathered or hunted, and write down any hazards of gathering it.

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