Tuesday 15 November 2011

Language Arts

Kyler - language paper

This was Kyler's first phonics test of the year.  He excels in phonics, which makes reading come easy to him.
                                                Kyler's spelling

Here are a couple of Trinity's Language arts samples.  She finds it easy and I can see an improvement in her sentence structure.  Below I have copied and pasted the outline of a story she has begun.

Above is a Language test Trinity took
 November 24, 2011.

The Last Of the King Unicorns by Trinity Brinkman

Topic-what the story is about

My story is about a boy that just moved to his new house on his birthday and they had nothing to give him and they happened to unpacked a old rocking horse . A  fairy comes one night and turned the rocking horse into a unicorn

Sequence  -   the order in which a story is written

1.            first :boy moves in to new house
2.            second : it is his birthday and they have nothing to give him and they were to busy to go out shopping
3.            next : they found a old rocking horse in the
basement that someone hade left behind what was           weird about it was that it was addressed to them
4.            then : they give the rocking horse to James
5.            after: it’s the middle of the night James is sleeping a fairy comes and she said little foal little foal come come to the land of unicorns they are in great danger!
6.            Unicorn city was attacked by ????

7.            next : the king dies in war and Rockster becomes King

8.            Next: Rockster becomes king

9.            ????

Characters – people, animals, or things with lifelike qualities.

1.                     James is a shy boy that just turned 11
2.                     Rocking Horse/Unicorn is named Rockster
3.                     fairy is a girl
4.                     king Unicorn likes cream pies
5.                     his friends names are Unicorette,

Feelings – how your characters are feeling

James – sleepy

Rockster- excited

Fairy- worried

King Unicorn- happy

Setting – where and when the story takes place

When- Time stays the same here but passes by in Unicorn city

Where-Unicorn city

Problem – something that goes wrong in the story or with the characters
They’re being attacked

Conclusion- how the problem was solved 
They win the battle and Rockster becomes king.  He comes back to invite James on an adventure to Unicorn City                                                            

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