Thursday 27 October 2011

Phys. Ed.

Downward Dog-Trinity asked if there was an upward dog :) 

 Kyler and Trinity using the rowing machine before they are dressed.  They play a game on the little computer screen so it keeps them interested.  Trinity has, as of November18, 2011, 3km rowed toward a 50km be met by January1st.

The kids also swim 3 hours per week but Wade or I swim at the same time so it's hard to take pictures.  Kyler is in Red Cross Swim Kids 3 lessons right now.  Both kids are now swimming in the deep end without life jackets and jumping off the diving board.  Exciting stuff!!
 Kyler's badges from this term

Friday 21 October 2011

Thursday 20 October 2011


Kyler and I were reading 'Light and Sound' by Eve Hartman and Wendy Meshbesher. 

We talked about how sound and light travel on waves and what makes sound waves.
Me: "When you pluck a guitar string, what make the sound wave?"
Kyler: "VVvvvvvvibration"
Me:"Why do the strings all make different sounds, do you think?"
Kyler: "They are different sizes and make different vvvvvibrations."
Me:"VERY good.  What travels faster...light or sound?"
Kyler: "Light."

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Arts and Crafts

Kyler and Trinity made Christmas cards with their Memere yesterday.  They stamped and made designs from cut and ripped, patterned paper. Fun!


The three of us went to Vancouver on Monday.  The plan was to visit Science World but it was under heavy construction so we decided to experience the public transit in Vancouver.  The kids have always wanted to ride the skytrain so it was a pleasant surprise.

While on the seabus, we learned the exact place in which we were traveling over the skytrain's Canada Line to the airport.  We also learned about the house boat community and the transformation of False Creek from industry to true beauty.

The kids displayed extreme enthusiasm and sincere gratitude for all that the Lord has made available to us in BC.

 First skytrain ride

First seabus

Granville Island view

Floating village

Writing Example

Friday 14 October 2011

Cursive Writing

Kyler is starting cursive this year.  He is a tidy wee thing so it fits him well.  He was particularly proud of this page because he got to write 'eel', which is one of his favorite sea creatures.


Kyler -  November 4, 2011.

Trinity is continuing to improve her cursive after a year break in public school.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Cross Stitch lessons

One of Trinity's new skills this year is cross stitch.  Our friend at the local yarn store gave Trinity a lesson today.  Kyler was a perfect gentleman while we watched and waited for her.

Science in the Kitchen

Today we learned about how yeast works.  We were thinking about doing yeast-feeding experiments today but postponed so we could make pizza dough today.

                Grinding the spelt.                   Feeding the yeast water and sugar.
 Watching the yeast grow and form       Mixing the ingredients to make dough.
CO2 gas.

 Stretching the elastic dough.                                              


Stay tuned for further yeast experiments.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Math examples

Kyler is still doing review since we don't have his curriculum yet.  This was a page that he was particularly proud of and had fun doing.  It is always noteworthy when math is fun I think.

Trinity is working with Teaching Textbooks this
year.  It is a fantastic program!  I actually have to stop her from doing too much math!

Kyler's first math test of the year.
           Hmm...looks like we have some more corrections to make on page 2.

Monday 3 October 2011

Salmon Study and Art

Kyler and Trinity have been studying salmon since the beginning of the school year.  Trinity has learn about the food chain and Kyler about life cycles.  They have also been practicing water colour painting and have incorporated that into their study.


September 7th  Trinity, Kyler and I went to Cultas Lake to catch and study some fish there.  They used a long handled net and some bread and managed to catch one after a while.  We brought him over to the picnic table, observed and drew pictures of him...and named him.  We say "hi" to Tiger every time we are back at the lake.

 Trinity's journal entry

Kyler's journal entry