Friday 21 February 2014

Government Term 2

Trinity and Kyler studied the Canadian Government together this year.  On the last pages they had to do some research together for the answers they didn't know.

Monday 20 January 2014


Kyler and Trinity started playing Wii Zumba.  They are doing everything from ballet to jazz.  It's fantastic exercise and they seem to be developing some rhythm as well.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Aboriginals and Explorers Term 2

Some of Kyler's Social Studies is covered in his Language Arts.  Here is one such case:

He was excited to make the connection between the explorers he learned about at the learning camp and what he read above.  He learned some new facts here as well.

Here are some pictures from our thrid trip to Fort Langley

Above Kyler learned how to carefully uncover and object, mark where it was found and then identify what it was made of and used for.

Science term2

Some of the books Kyler is reading for Light, Sound, and Weather.

More to come on his experiments with sound.

Here they are...jammie sound experiments pictures and one video: